
Women in STEM

Page history last edited by Robert W. Maloy 2 years, 1 month ago



Five Historic Female Mathematicians



For an overview, see The Untold Stories of Women in Science and Technology: Let's Write Them into History

See Biographies of Women Mathematicians, an ongoing project of Agnes Scott College in Atlanta, Georgia

Grace Hopper, Computing Pioneer

Elizabeth Blackwell, first woman physician in the United States

Helen Keller, Political Activist

Ada Lovelace 

Beatrice Potter 

Hedy Lamarr, Actress and Inventor

Mary Anning, fossil finder and paleontolgist

Margaret Sanger (resourcesforhistoryteachers)

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Emmy Noether

Emmy Noether: Creative Mathematical Genius

Meet the First Lady of MathematicsThis video goes over Emmy Noether's personal accomplishments and the actual theorem she made. It also has multiple illustrations during it.

Mathematician Emmy Noether, YouTube includes a brief introduction to Noether's Theorem

Science Quotes by Emmy Noether

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Maria Agnesi (1718-1799)

Maria Gaetana Agnesi, from Agnes Scott College



















Gender Gap Among Math High Achievers Evident by Grade 9, Just Gets Wider, THE Journal (September 2018)


  • Girls made up an ever-declining share of the top achievers with every passing year of high school.














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